ValueLabs has been awarded the Top SME exporter in the IT Sector in Andhra Pradesh for the year 2005-2006.
In a glittering function held at HITEX, Hyderabad on the 9th of January 2007 under the aegis of GITEX Dubai
conference, the award was presented by the Honourable Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Dr. Y S Rajasekhara
Reddy to ValueLabs. The award was received by Arjun Rao, CEO ValueLabs.
After receiving the award, Arjun said, “This award recognizes ValueLabs as one of the fastgrowing SME companies
in the state. We attribute this success to the efforts andcommitment of our associates as well as the trust our
clients have placed in us. Hyderabad is witnessing a phenomenal growth commercially, with the IT sector being a
key driver. We feel proud to be a part of this IT sector and hope to make a greater contribution.”
“The Information Technology and Communications (IT&C) Department of the Andhra Pradesh Government confers this
award to small and medium sized IT enterprises based in Andhra Pradesh based on their export performance.
The Information Technology and Communications (IT&C) Department plays a crucial role in policy formulation in IT
sector,conceptualizing and initiating various e-governance initiatives,stipulating standards for compliance,
promoting investmentsin IT sector, facilitating growth of IT Enabled Services through proactive measures and
providing a strong communication backbone in the State.
About ValueLabs:
ValueLabs is an Offshore Product Development, QA / Testing and KPO services company,with multi-shore delivery
capabilities.Set up in the year 1997 with a vision to deliver true value to clients across the world, the company
focuses on forging strategic partnerships by building Extended Teams for its clients.
We provide comprehensive services to startups, mid-sized and multi-billion dollar companies. Some of our satisfied
customers include Astro, Citibank, ISSI, Maxis, Radiant, SHPS,Snapfish and TIBCO.