HR, Health & Safety Provider

Supporting growth through technological innovation with OneCompany®

Talk to Us

The client started as a family-run business and soon it was evident that a major digital transformation was due, especially after the acquisition by a private equity investor.

Monolithic structure
  • Lack of scalable, accessible data warehouse
  • Lack of mode to gain business insight for upselling and cross-selling opportunities
  • Absence of an efficient platform for a revenue-generating business
  • Inability to identify new revenue opportunities
Our Solution

We were instrumental in developing the client’s core service delivery platform. It began with reinventing the platform on Microsoft Azure using a multi-tenant architecture and moving legacy data there. Since the platform launched in the cloud, we have continuously suggested and created additional capabilities to increase revenue and boost effectiveness.

Solution Impact

Revenue-generating E-learning business

Generating subscription revenues in millions

Centralized data warehouse

For deeper business insight for faster and more accurate report generation

Identified new revenue opportunities

Efficiently integrated them onto the core group platforms

Bring in innovation and best practices as a strategic partner

Our client, a global HR and employment law support firm, wanted to undergo a systematic digital transformation exercise to lower operational inefficiencies and eradicate service differentiation. We did an EA assessment of their platform and proposed a roadmap to address all the issues. We built a multi-tenant cloud-based solution using multiple Azure services. The data was then migrated from the legacy to the new platform through a controlled and automated process. We also built a DW using a modern data platform like Snowflake.

We automated E2E regression tests using Selenium and Cucumber frameworks and migrated other legacy platforms from on-premises servers onto Azure. Handled BI and reporting needs using DevExpress Reporting, Tableau, and ClickView office administrative functions to a strategic business advantage.

Bring in innovation and best practices as a strategic partner
Create a robust platform to weather the turmoil caused by COVID-19

Our client, a successful professional service provider, began as a family business in 1996 and now serves small and midsize businesses as a provider of specialized HR and compliance services. Annual sales reached £20 million by 2012, and a private equity investor saw tremendous development potential and bought the company.

Significant and intelligent investments in technology and innovation were the only way to stand apart in a crowded industry. When we entered the picture in 2015 as a strategic technology partner, we helped the client maximize revenues and operational efficiency, which supported them in meeting its growth targets and combatting the turmoil caused by COVID-19.

Create a robust platform to weather the turmoil caused by COVID-19
Align digital transformation with business needs

We began with developing the client’s core service delivery platform. In this direction, we created a part of the platform into an online subscription service for E-learning, partnering with a training content provider. This service generated over £2 million in subscription revenues in the first nine months of 2019. We enabled data from all group companies to be centralized in a modern, scalable data warehouse in the cloud. It allowed fast and accurate reporting and highlighted upsell and cross-sell opportunities. We identified opportunities for the professional legal service provider to provide additional high-value services. Our insights led to the establishment of a new division offering certified fire safety testing services.

As our client has grown through acquisition, we have developed a best-practice approach for integrating the new businesses onto the core group platforms for client service delivery and sales and marketing.

Align digital transformation with business needs
Adopting shared goals with the OneCompany® model

To meet the client’s business needs and requirements, we adopted their goals and values as part of our OneCompany® model. We worked with the client as one team and focussed on making the organization one-stop-shop for HR and employment law support.

We developed a prototype remote auditing service, using video analytics to process video from a customer site and identify any health and safety issues. This is now being developed into a complete remote auditing capability for COVID-era safety. We ran a successful proof of concept for an intelligent chatbot on the client-facing platform. When COVID-19 hit, we quickly rolled out the chatbot to handle a 6x increase in client inquiries prompted by the pandemic and developed a prototype route optimization tool to enable field consultants to save time. Our efforts reduced fuel costs and vehicle maintenance expenses for the client’s group of companies.

Adopting shared goals with the OneCompany® model
Business Impact

Our innovative approach not only supported our client’s objectives for growth, customer service, operational efficiency, and service differentiation but has also actively increased the market value of the business. Since we were appointed transformation partner in 2015, our UK-based client has grown from c.7,500 customers to c.40,000 and has been acquired by progressively larger private equity investors.

Rebuilt the platform

As a highly scalable, multi-tenant, SaaS solution in Microsoft Azure

Smooth customer experience

With a new, user-friendly SaaS platform

Generated additional revenues

With new cloud service offerings like E-learning

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01 Sep 2020
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