Intelligent Automation
HR, Health & Safety Provider

Introduce intelligent automation and accelerate site audits with an offline progressive web application.

Talk to Us

The client wanted an offline-first progressive web app launch to conduct site visit inceptions in offline/online mode and improve operational efficiency for Health and Safety and HR teams. They were looking for intelligent automation solutions and a partner to help them.

  • Reduce the time and cost of site audit report production
  • Improve productivity and efficiency of site audit consultants
  • Deliver faster, better service to clients
  • Enable consultants to start working on site audit reports while still at the client site
Our Solution

Our team at ValueLabs aimed to transform the existing application using intelligent automation technology to reduce cost while improving turnaround time. We captured end-client information in all ways possible, accelerated report production to improve productivity and customer service, created an audit application that works seamlessly in offline mode, and enabled the application to interact onsite with customers and easily access management and authentication.

Solution Impact

Productivity & efficiency

Improved the overall experience of HS/HR consultant

Client satisfaction improved

By enabling timely delivery of site reports to end-clients

Customer retention supported

With HS/HR consultant and their job variety/balance

Our Approach

With our solutions, consultants started working on on-site reports while still at the client site by developing an offline-first, data-driven progressive web application (PWA). We cached assets through HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images to launch the application in offline mode. Our teams enabled data to be stored locally that allowed auto-sync with CouchDB when connected.

Our Approach
Enable Connect Authenticate and Logging Service portals

Being the intelligent automation consulting service provider, ValueLabs developed a ‘Connect Authenticate Portal,’ and admin portal to manage the entire identity management system, including certificates, single sign-on, and access controls. Our team created the ‘Dude Logging Service’ that helped the client track, identify, and eliminate errors in the system. As a result, the reliability and robustness of their product range increased, thereby reducing customer support requests or overhead. We also developed a code for error handling that would help to identify the error type and maintain a log of all the details related to the error.

Enable Connect Authenticate and Logging Service portals
Improved operational efficiencies for Health & Safety and HR teams

Our client is a UK-based professional services firm providing Health & Safety Support and HR & Employment Law services to businesses. They wanted to accelerate the process of site auditing while improving efficiency. We helped transform existing applications into PWA with less effort and ensured that the consultants could complete their audits without delays. The intelligent automation solution resulted in enhanced client experience and retention, along with the Health & Safety and HR Consultant and their job variety/balance. We were able to ensure cost-saving of around 20-25%. A team of 50 consultants completed the audits on time and reduced the turnaround time for report generation. For improved efficiency, we built an identity management portal, including certificates, SSO, and access controls. We created a logging service to track, identify and eliminate errors in the offline/online system and to develop an error handling code that helped us identify the error type and maintain an error log.

Improved operational efficiencies for Health & Safety and HR teams
Business Impact

The offline-first app significantly improved productivity, enabling our client’s team of 50 Health and Safety consultants to complete audits without delays. The saved time has also generated cost savings for audit production and enhanced customer service.

Faster site audits

Saving time and improving customer service


Cost savings in report production across a team of 50 consultants

Improved client experience

Enabled long-lasting relationships and client retention

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AI & ML FACT v/s FICTION Beyond proof-of-concepts

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