Multinational TV provider

Transforming customer data into valuable business insights

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The client struggled to use their customer data effectively as the analytics team only collected basic information, making it hard to identify discernable patterns. The reporting system was outdated and manual, causing delays, while the legacy Crystal reports had slow reporting times and formatting issues. Users spent a lot of time scrolling through irrelevant content, a significant concern for any streaming service.

Limited information
Outdated reporting
Slow reporting times
Irrelevant recommendations
  • Inadequate customer data insights due to gaps in basic information capture by the analytics team
  • Outdated and manual reporting resulting in a significant time and effort
  • Slow reporting times and formatting issues in the legacy Crystal reports
  • Irrelevant content recommendations leading to prolonged scrolling for users
Our Solution

The solutions offered to the client were turning their basic customer data into valuable information through easy-to-use dashboards, modernizing and migrating their outdated manual reporting to a web-based Tableau portal, and delivering enhanced reports through SSRS. ValueLabs also redesigned the client’s entire UX to recommend more appropriate content to users.

Solution Impact


Execution time of the report

By eliminating format issues


Faster load times

For enhanced website performance


Manual dependency

By automating processes to save time

Our Approach

We had in-depth conversations and held workshops with the multinational TV provider to understand their challenges and needs. ValueLabs then modernized and migrated the client’s reporting system to a web-based Tableau portal and enhanced their reports through SSRS, eliminating formatting issues and improving reporting times. We also redesigned the entire UX and ensured that it recommended more relevant content to users based on insights from the data.

Enhancing Data Analysis: Migrating from Manual to Web-Based Tableau Reports

The existing manual reports were not feasible for analyzing historical data and were prone to mishaps due to manual intervention. This limitation drove us to migrate manual reporting to Tableau. ValueLabs’ new web-based Tableau reports offer current and historical data accessibility with key performance measures at a summary and detailed level. The reports also provide insights on new customers, upgrades and downgrades with respect to a product, and customer churn.

Enhancing Data Analysis: Migrating from Manual to Web-Based Tableau Reports
Transforming Tableau Reporting with Efficient Data Warehousing

To make Tableau reports possible, we designed an efficient data warehouse in accordance with the CRM system’s technical rules and required KPIs. Our team configured the data warehouse to track changes made to existing data from the source system.

We also developed a reporting layer on top of the data warehouse, following a particular brand’s business rules to serve the requirements of reports. The new data warehouse and reporting layer eliminated manual intervention and provided reports of CRM data with current and historical data.

Transforming Tableau Reporting with Efficient Data Warehousing
Optimizing Business Intelligence with Enhanced Data Visualization

ValueLabs helped our client migrate from Crystal reports to enhanced reports through SSRS to address challenges faced by business users, including format issues and long extraction times. Our solution involved converting Crystal reports techniques to SSRS design, introducing report schedules and notifications, and adding features for data selection. As a result, SSRS reports are now designed with proper formats, execution time has been reduced, and accessing required data is much easier through the SSRS web URL. Additionally, these reports are scalable for other brands. Multiple users can now access the reports, and the report quality has been enhanced while also improving the execution time.

Optimizing Business Intelligence with Enhanced Data Visualization
Business Impact

The solutions offered by ValueLabs increased productivity and efficiency by streamlining widespread access to reports. This resulted in improved decision-making capabilities with the availability of accurate and timely reports. Additionally, the insights provided on customer churn, new customers, upgrades, and downgrades have led to increased customer retention and revenue. Overall, the availability of comprehensive and accurate reports has significantly improved the business performance.

Eliminated manual dependency

Enabled ease of access for the required data through SSRS

Faster reporting times and zero formatting issues

SSRS reports designed with proper formats reduced report execution time

Quick access to vital information through web-based platforms

Multiple users can access the reports through the SSRS web URL

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